Tuesday, April 26, 2011

C25K Week 2 & Timing my one mile...

Yesterday I started week 2 of C25K.  This week I am doing intervals of 90 seconds running followed by 2 minutes walking for 20 minutes.  For all you skinny people (or at least healthy people) this may seem so simple... but for this fat girl, it's not!

I could really tell the difference in the 60 sec intervals from week one to the 90 sec intervals this week.

Today I decided to see how far I could run and see how fast I could run/walk a mile in.  Well I ran 1/2 a mile in 6 minutes without stopping. Which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  I mean I could barely run the 90 second intervals yesterday.  Finished my mile in 14:19 and ran 2/3 of it.  I ran the first 1/2 mile in 6 minutes.  Walked the next quarter of a mile, trying to recover my breath.  Ran for half of the last lap and walked a little then finished running.  So 14:19 is something for me to be proud of. 

Note:  I am running on a treadmill for now.  I eventually want to start running outside but I can't until the lovely season is over with... I have horrible allergies and go into sneezing fits from just walking from my car to my house or car to work.  It's bad.  So after the pollen (aka tree sperm) is done falling all over everything, I will venture outside and learn to run on the road (which I know is a million times harder).  Also, I have slight asthma... it normally only bothers me when I exercise a lot (which isn't very often) but as a kid it used to bother me a lot when I was out playing with my friends.

Today I felt my throat constricting a little towards the end of my run.  I haven't had the need for my inhaler in ages b/c I never pushed myself enough to need it.  So guess it's time to pull it back out and use it before my runs.  :)  But this isn't going to hold me back any.

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