Friday, May 27, 2011


Last weekend I did a 5k walk.. and got so burnt. Been busy this week and heading to go camping. When I get back on Tuesday, I'll update ya on everything.  :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


There is a 4 letter F word that I truly despise... yep, you guessed it, FEAR!

Fear is a burden fat people carry. We fear so many things and situations. Fear has kept me back for so long... from meeting new people, going places, and doing new things. Fear has kept me in my safe little bubble where my life just passes me by. But not anymore!

Today I took a class at Xpose at Arundel Mills with my friend Bri and her friends. It's a pole dancing exercise class.  It was so much fun. Fear almost stopped me from going. Some one didn't come and I believe fear got ahold of her. My fear was for meeting new people, for looking stupid, for being the biggest girl in class, for not being able to do it... the list could go on. But instead of letting that fear sink its razor sharp claws in me, I pushed it aside and decided who cares if I mess up. Who cares if I'm the biggest girl. I just want to try something different and have fun... and guess what??? I DID! I HAD A BLAST!

So the scoreboard for today is... Dana - 1.. Fear - 0. It is a good day.

Off to bed.. DC 101 Chili Cookoff tomorrow, all day. :) Going to be an awesome concert.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby, I'm back! :)

I was so scared to run again... It's been since Thursday and I had a hard time finishing C25K W4D1 then... Today I did W4D2 and just decreased my speed on the runs and did it no problem.  I normally run at 5.0 or 5.5 (if I'm running shorter distances) but today I ran at 4.6 and was able to actually complete it.  I even ran for an additional set (3 min run, 2 min walk, 5 min run, 5 min walk). 

Yay!  I'm excited again about running.  W4D3... I'm coming for you! :)

This was me when I got home from working out... you totally can't see all the sweat but let me just say... there was a lot, especially on my arms.  Is it weird my arms sweat the most?  Lol.  Idk. 


It's 6:30 and I am up already which NEVER happens. Going to the gym with Sarah B. :) At least it's a good thing. C25K W4D2 today.

Wish me luck.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ugh! Mondays... how I hate thee.

Mondays are the worst day of the week. I always feel so exhausted after the weekend. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

Was gonna run this morning but overslept. My goal for this week is to go to bed by 11 pm at least 3 days this week. I really need to get on a better sleep schedule.

Guess its time for work. :) Toodles!

Bad weekend for healthy choices

I graduated on Saturday with my bachelors of science degree. I'm so excited to have completed another step on my educational journey... next stop masters degree.

I ate bad this weekend and didn't run at all. I walked around the trails and track at Lake Waterford park today with Sarah B which was fun.

After completing C25K W4D1 I felt like I couldn't do it anymore.. that this program is too hard. Then I found C25K on Facebook and read the posts tonight... they are very motivating. So I may have to redo some days until I feel comfortable but I will see.

Good night

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th!

Oh no... I just remembered it's the dreaded FRIDAY THE 13TH!

Let's turn this into a good day. :)

As they say on Biggest Loser -> LAST CHANCE WORK OUT!

Weigh day tomorrow. I'm scared b/c I haven't done super great on the diet this week. Keep your fingers crossed!

I got a running buddy

My friend Sarah B. just called and we are going running tonight! :) Yay! Outside and all. lol. I'm kinda scared to run outside but having a buddy helps push even more. :)

We are gonna run to the park and do laps. She's been running a lot longer than me so I'm excited that she can push me!

Tomorrow is graduation! And that means time to celebrate!

C25K ... Week 4 is HARD! And racquetball is COOL!

Wow. Last night I did week 4 day 1 of C25K... I couldn't finish the second 5 minute run... I had to run/walk the last part.

Maybe it's b/c my abs are still killing me from Tuesday. Idk what that damn machine is called where you scrunch your abs by pulling down with weights... but it kills you! But I did that again last night too.

On another note: Me and Trisha tried to play racquetball yesterday at the gym... It was so much fun but we totally SUCK! I definitely would love to learn to play it right instead of wailing the ball and ducking for cover and then chasing after it. Haha. Trisha even swung, missed, and fell on the floor! It was EPIC!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gym Buddies are great!

Heading to Big Vanilla gym to work out with my friend Trisha... Cardio and then maybe racquetball. Should be fun.

By the way... got 98% on my final (for my PHP class) today! Woohoo! :)

Edit: Racquetball courts were all filled. But then we tried the stair climber and they had a Jacobs Ladder... those things are intense.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting ready for the WW Walk-It Challenge

We made t-shirts!  Crystal, Bri, and I made t-shirts for our 5-k Walk-It challenge on May 22nd.  Our team is called Pink Ladies.  Shirts are so cute...

Pics of the shirts! :)

Me and my pink shirt before decorating it.

Bri and Crystal decorating their shirt

Front of shirt

Back of shirt

Do you ever... ?

Do you ever have one of those kind of days where you could just eat the whole world?  Like everything sounds amazing and there is only bad food around you?  That is totally how I feel today.  I need to go grocery shopping. 

My weakness is sweets.  I love icecream, cookies, cake batter (especially Funfetti), muffins, yum yum yum.  Do these cravings ever go away?  I'm gonna start looking for a replacement...  WW has some really good ice cream bars but my problem is I eat them all. Lol. 

My goal this week is to overcome my cravings at least 3 days this week.  Three days isn't so bad.  I hear the "mantra" of "if you can make it past 3 weeks then your cravings will lessen or go away".  Let's hope so. 

School overload

Does anyone else think school sucks sometimes?  This past week I've had 2 papers to write, a team project, 2 PHP programming assingments and a PHP lab to complete.  To top it off this weekend was Mother's Day and I've been a busy bee. 

I haven't run since last Wednesday but on Friday I went to the batting cages for a few hours and Sunday I helped my mom clean out the basement storage and go through it.  So those have to count for some kind of work out. 

I'm working til 8:00 tonight and don't feel like working out but I know I need to at least get on there and do my C25K W3D2... so that's what I plan on doing when I get home after the store.  Tomorrow I am working 1/2 day b/c I have to go take my final so that will give me time afterwards to run or swim.  :) 

I'm getting back on track with my exercise!  Woohoo!  Is it nap time yet? lol. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yay! I did 3 miles today

I left work early today b/c I just couldn't be there any longer and I have enough hours.... I wanted to come home and take a nap before Idol... but instead I RAN! :)  You all should be proud of this fat girl!

I was just going to see how fast I could do my mile to see if I improved.  So I walked 1/4 a mile on the treadmill as a warm-up before I started the time on my one mile.  I did my mile in 13:34 today! :)  That's a 45 sec improvement in one week.  I'm extremely happy with that. 

So after I finished the timed mile I was at 1.25 miles (since I did the quarter mile walk as a warm up).  Well I just couldn't stop there.  I had to do another lap to cool down.  Then I figured I was too close to 2 miles to not do it.  So I did it.  Then I looked at the time and was under 30 mins... So I figured I'd go a little farther and kept pushing myself... running half of each lap and even running at a 6.0 (I normally run at 5.0). 

I finished 3 miles in 46:38.  I'm really happy with that.  Plus that is the first time I've done 3 miles since I started running.  :)  I'm so happy with it.

Now quick shower then off to my mom's for American Idol!

Toodles until tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

C25K W3D1

This morning I did the Couch to 5K week 3, day 1.  This is what it wants you to do:

5 minute brisk warm up walk
Then 2 intervals of:
  • Jog 90 secs
  • Walk 90 secs
  • Jog 3 minutes
  • Walk 3 minutes
Since I didn't run yesterday I decided to do an extra interval (so 3 instead of 2).  I almost didn't make the third 3 minute run but I grabbed on the treadmill and kept running.  :)  And I feel good.  I finished 2 miles in 31 minutes.

If I have time tonight (or the energy) I am going to try to do another mile but see how far I can run it.

Note:  I have 2 papers, one PHP programming lab, and 2 PHP assignments due this week on top of studying for my final.  So it's been a little hard to squeeze in all the running and stuff but I'm going to as much as possible.  One more class starting next Tuesday (5 weeks long) and then I graduate! Woohoo!

Also, I see a Boot Camp class at the local community college I might take on Monday nights.  Doesn't start til June.  :)

Edit:  I didn't do an extra mile but I did walk an extra half a mile after work at Arundel Mills mall.  :)  

Monday, May 2, 2011

To RUN or not to RUN... that is the question?

So, I suck at going to bed early... I was up til 5:30am doing homework last night. Then I slept til 10:30 and got up and rushed to work. Now I get to stay here til 8:00, boo.

Anyways, I was supposed to meet Sarah B and CJ at the track at 8:30 but they called and canceled on me :( So, the question is, should I still go to the track and run? Or should I go home and hit the treadmill?

The thing about going home is that I get unmotivated b/c I just want to unravel from the long day. But I don't like running outside by myself. It's like an endless battle on whether or not I should go...

Also, I have to do 2 miles today for my WW challenge... For the challenge you have to do 250 miles from May 1 to October 1st by walking, running, swimming, biking, or whatever you choose.  I did 2 miles yesterday and will do 2 today.  :) 

Wish me luck. It's C25K week 2, day 3. :)

Edit:  I worked til 9:00pm, so I didn't go running after work.  But this morning (5/3/11) I got up and did C25K Week 3, Day 1 and I feel GREAT!  I think I need to get my running done in the morning b/c I actually have some kind of energy then.  Lol.  

Homework sucks

So, instead of the paper I was supposed to be writing I have been playing on here and Facebook for the last 2 hours while waiting for Adobe CS4 to install.

I had to reformat my computer because there was something wrong with the OS (operating system) install. And all my programs got wiped out... Installing Microsoft Office now. Ugh. I'm gonna be up all night working on this paper after it installs.

Note to self... Quit being a procrastinator!


Finally finished my paper... It's only 4:19am. Gotta get up in a few hours for work. Fun stuff!

Cute dress pics

I know this doesn't have anything to do with running or dieting but who says that's all this blog has to be about. :) Anyways... Yesterday was my friend Colleen's wedding and my and my cousin, Crystal, went and we both looked so good we had to do a little photo shoot after the wedding when we got home.

Here's my 2 fav pics... one of me and Crystal:

And me solo...

Feet Hurt!

So earlier I told you all that I bought a new pair of running shoes and used them today. They definitely need to be broken in. I'm not sure if it's b/c I ran outside today for the first time or if it's because the shoes aren't broken in yet... but one reason or another, my feet hurt! :)

Joined "Daily Mile" website. Great way to track workouts and mileage. Here's my link:

Hopefully they will feel better by tomorrow. I'm going to the Old Mill track with my friends Sarah B and CJ... if anyone wants to join be there around 8:30.

Upcoming events...
  • I graduate college May 14th Yay!
  • May 21 - DC 101 Chili Cook-off. Be there or you suck! ;)
  • May 22 - Weight Watchers 5k walk/run in DC
  • Then it's Memorial Day weekend and a kick-off to start the summer with some camping

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bathing Suit?

Hmm... Thinking I am going to go bathing suit shopping today.  I hope that I can find something cute.  I can't wait until I'm smaller so I don't have a problem finding cute bathing suits that I actually look/feel good in.

Be back in a bit... I'll let ya all know if I find anything.  :)


I found a cute bathing suit top... but I didn't like the bottoms so I'm gonna have to keep searching for them.  Here's the top I got:

On another note, I have this super cute "sexy" bathing suit but I totally look like the queen of chub in it. As embarrassing as it is to share these pics with everyone, it will serve as a motivator.

By the end of summer, I want to look and feel good in this bathing suit.

I'm a slacker

Whew... So the last few days have been incredibly busy and haven't been able to write.

Work, school, visiting the new baby, my friend got married, and hanging out with some friends.

Getting back with the program... Friday morning I weighed myself a day early for WW and am down to 229.0 so that's a 2 lb loss! Yay! :)

Also I went to Charm City Run in Annapolis to get some new kicks. Then I thought I'd go to my old high school and run around the track. Well the track was being used so I ran around the school complex. Did 2 miles of running and walking. I am getting stronger, I can feel it. I am able to run for a whole song now... so what's that, like 3 minutes? Today was my first time running outside and that's a little harder... but lets get to it. :)